One-Time Donations

Give what you can and as often as you would like. Your support of any kind is appreciated. We use Stripe for its capacity to accept one-time (and monthly scheduled) donations. 

What does your giving provide?

How is it spent? Here are some of the ways your generosity helps your neighbors in need.



pays for dental supplies for 5 patients.


pays for gynecological exams for 6 patients.


pays for medical care for 13 patients.



pays for clinic rent for 12 days.


pays for four months of telephone and internet service to communicate with our patients and operate our electronic medical records system.

Special thanks to our 2023 supporters

One-Time Donors:

Elizabeth Adam

Covita Addington

Altrusa International Foundation of Fayetteville

JR and Sandra Arnold

Dr. Sloan Ashabranner

John and Marilyn Ballentine

Woody and Sheri Bassett

Beavers & Broomfield Family Dentistry

Steven and Megan Bell

Bob and Pat Besom

Big Lots Foundation

Larry and Nancy Bittle

Dr. Terry Box

Dr. Angela Broomfield and Dr. Jesse Gray

Jack and Virginia Burson

Charles Bushong

Citizen’s Bank

City of Fayetteville

Dr. EP and Carolina Cooper

Fred and Kathi Crabtree

Fayetteville City Hospital Auxillary

Fayetteville Junior Civic League

James and Tina DePew

Dr. Bill and Suzette Dill

Mike and Amy Driver

John and Dana Duke

Dr. Garreth and Cheryl Eck

Tracy and Kelly Ego

Carol Ethridge

Deb Euculano

Steve Fineberg

Dr. Daniel and Jennie Fish

Dr. Steve and Dr. Laurie Fisher

Dr. Mary Nell Ford

Dr. Lance and Kelly Foster

Bradley and Christy Gillespie

Missy Gocio

Jason and Jessica Godsey

Albert Gray

Stephanie Grise

Brian and Kristen Groves

Anthony and Brittney Gulley

Dr. Gary and Sharon Guthrie

Coleen Hall

Harps Food Stores, Inc.

Sam Harris

Elliott Hays

Dr. Peter and Margo Heinzelmann

Dr. Walter Henderson

Dr. Morriss and Ann Henry

Dr. Jerry Herndon

Henry and Nancy Ho

Richard and Joanna Hudson

Read and Tammy Hudson

Dr. Anthony and Susan Hui

International College of Dentists

Weldon and Ann Johnson

David and Holly Johnson

Dr. Evan and Ashlyn Johnson

Jerry Jones and Lynn Rogers

Larry and Peggy Jones

Alison Jumper and Jon Bitler

Kyle and Laura Kellams

Dr. Gerry and Nancy Kelso

Dr. Nirmal and Cherie Kilambi

John and Sally King

Tom and Jill King

Jeff and Sara Koenig

Bill and Tonita Laird

Bettie Lu Lancaster

Rebecca LaTourette

Tommy and Jill Lewis

Roy and Stephanie Lovell

Dr. Rebecca and Dr. David Lucke

Rober and Janine Martin

Dr. Warren Massey

Sam Mathias

James and Donna Meinecke

Hayden McIlroy

Matt and Karen McIntosh

Theresa McLellan

Dr. Grayson McReynolds

Jeanne Mendenhall

McGee Meredith

Richard and Debra Miller

Diane Modisette

Dr. Anne Montgomery and Derek Wetzel

Dr. Roger Montgomery and Colene Gaston

Dr. James and Mary Ellen Moore

John Moores

Lynn Murry

David and Beth Nay

Paula Neal

Bill and Kim Needy

Dr. Jim and Susie Norys

David and Nancy O’Brien

Mary Louise Painter

Dr. Jack Pardo

James and Janna Patton

Jerry and Sherry Patton

Kathleen Paul and John Broomfield

Neal and Gina Pendergraft

Jansen Polk and Carly Farinella

Doug and Barbara Prichard

Dr. David and Carol Ratcliff

Steve and Kathryn Renfro

Mark Risk

Dr. Rod and Denise Roark

Rick and Donna Roark

James and Erica Rochelle

Edith Rosales

Bill and Georgia Ross

Dr. Kenton and Jennifer Ross

Dr. Tom Sarna

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church

Marty and Carin Schoppmeyer

Dr. Jessica Scroggins

Sequoyah Kiwanis Club

Brett and Deanna Shannon

Bob and Diane Shaw

Scott Simon

Lee and Julie Simpson

Dr. Jacob and Naya Smith

Robert and Chase Smith

Mark and Anne Spellman

William and Niolene Stanley

Kevin and Becky Stegan

Matthew and Shanna Taylor

Tyson Foods Foundation

Torchy’s Tacos

Tropical Smoothie

Craig and Laura Underwood

Leann Underwood

Dr. Tuyet Van and Clayton Mayfield

Scott Varady

Sonda Vinson

Alexis Walker

Sue Walls

Walmart Foundation

Walmart Store #2745

Lee and Linda Ward

Diane Warren

Marion and Bobbie Wasson

Rolf and Ceri Wilkin

Joe Dell and Tenley Williams

Kit and Emily Williams

Other Ways to Help: